Spanish word of the week: aconsejar

This week’s Spanish word of the week is aconsejar.

Aconsejar is a verb that means to advise or to recommend . To hear how aconsejar is pronounced, you can click the icon below: 

Giving or asking for advice is something we all regularly need to do. Aconsejar, to advise, is a key word here. It can be followed by a verb in the subjunctive:

Te aconsejo que lo hagas. I’d advise you to do it.

Me aconsejó que no cambiase de trabajo. She advised me not to change jobs.

Le aconsejaré Laura que se lo piense bien. I’ll advise Laura to think it over carefully.

or in the infinitive:

El médico me aconsejó comer menos carne. The doctor advised me to eat less meat.

If you’re asking somebody for advice, you would say:

¿Qué me aconsejas? What do you suggest?

If you want to give someone advice, notice that you just use the present tense in Spanish, rather than the conditional.

Te aconsejo que busques ayuda. I would advise you to get help.

Come back next week to learn a new word!

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