Spanish word of the week: parar

This week’s Spanish word of the week is parar.

Parar is a verb that means to stop. You can listen to the pronunciation of parar in the audio clip below:

Parar is a very common way of saying to stop in different contexts:

A la subida tuvieron que parar varias veces. They had to stop several times on the way up.

El tren no para aquí. The train doesn’t stop here.

A medio camino paramos para comer. Halfway there, we stopped to eat.

El policía nos indicó que parásemos. The police officer gestured or indicated to us to stop.

Parar + de + infinitive means to stop doing something:

Por fin paró de llover. It finally stopped raining.

Cuando le gusta un tema se emociona y no para de hablar. When he’s interested in a subject he gets carried away and doesn’t stop talking.

Come back next week for another insight into Spanish vocabulary!

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