Direct speech

Direct speech gives the actual words that a speaker has used. It is common in novels and other writing where the actual words of a speaker are quoted. The reporting verb may come before the words that were actually spoken, or after them, or at a natural pause inside the reported sentence. Read More
world hearing day

The lazy, hazy days of summer

During August – which in some luckier parts of Britain is finally producing seasonable weather – two ‘days’ encourage us to switch off, dial down and generally ease off on normal activities. National Lazy Day falls on 10 August, followed cold on… Read More

Learning Italian: Making a call

Talking on the phone in a foreign language can be intimidating. You’re unable to see the facial expressions and body language of the other person on the phone, which are often useful communicative signs that help language learners to understand the gist of what someone is saying. Also, many countries… Read More