Spanish words of the week: cero or cera?

¡Tres, dos, uno, cero! (Three, two, one, zero!) It’s time to polish up our knowledge of the different meanings of the Spanish nouns cero (masculine) and cera (feminine). You can listen to the pronunciation of cero (masculine) here: Cero with an -o… Read More

Phrasal verbs: verb + adverb + preposition

Some phrasal verbs are a combination of the verb + adverb and verb + preposition phrasal verbs. All the parts of this type of phrasal verb come BEFORE the object. We are looking forward to our holiday. Don’t put up with it! You must look out for the warning signs. I’m so fed up with city life. Phrasal verbs with… Read More

Spanish words of the week: arco or arca?

It’s time to target another pair of Spanish nouns which are similar in form but whose meaning is entirely different depending on their ending and gender. This week it’s the turn of masculine 'arco' and feminine 'arca' . Read More

Phrasal verbs: verb + preposition

Some verb + preposition phrasal verbs always have an object. This is because prepositions always have an object. He asked for his bill. She listened to him. They referred to our conversation. Some phrasal verbs with prepositions are: add to, agree with, approve of, ask for, believe in, care for, hope for, laugh at, look for, refer to,… Read More