Craig Beevers

Scrabble tiles: PLAY LIKE A CHAMP

Scrabble tips for a Triple Word Score of a Christmas

It’s Christmas which means Scrabble against the family. World Scrabble Champion Craig Beevers Shares his top tips to play like a pro this Christmas. Short and sweet(scoring)Two and three letter words can enable you to score 20-30 points move after move without any big plays. Once they’re second nature… Read More
man holding up a scrabble board with tiles on it

It’s all in the Mind

What’s inside the head of a World Scrabble Champion? Craig Beevers sheds some light. What mental preparation is involved for playing in a World Scrabble Championship?It’s no different to any other tournament really. Ideally you would skim through the most useful words, ie short words and bonuses… Read More
2 men playing scrabble in a tournament

Tips from the Champions – Craig Beevers

Craig Beevers, the current World Scrabble Champion, tells us his top tips. 1. Know your short wordsTwo and three letter words can enable you to score 20-30 points move after move without any big plays. Once they’re second nature you’ll have lots of parallel play opportunities at… Read More