
Scrabble tiles: PLAY LIKE A CHAMP

Scrabble tips for a Triple Word Score of a Christmas

It’s Christmas which means Scrabble against the family. World Scrabble Champion Craig Beevers Shares his top tips to play like a pro this Christmas. Short and sweet(scoring)Two and three letter words can enable you to score 20-30 points move after move without any big plays. Once they’re second nature… Read More
Scrabble tiles, WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS

Tips from the Champions – Philip Nelkon

Philip Nelkon, four-time National Scrabble Champion, tells us his top tips. 1. Always consider taking a few points less on score in order to avoid leaving a large imbalance of vowels and consonants amongst the letters left on your rack. 2. The blank is the most… Read More
Scrabble tiles; BEERSIES

Around the World in 15 Words

Scrabble is played globally, so here are some of the new words that originate from countries and regions around the world. TANAISTE(Irish) in Irish politcs, the vice-Taoiseach or deputy prime minister of the Republic of Ireland HAUN(Scots) a hand… Read More
man holding up a scrabble board with tiles on it

It’s all in the Mind

What’s inside the head of a World Scrabble Champion? Craig Beevers sheds some light. What mental preparation is involved for playing in a World Scrabble Championship?It’s no different to any other tournament really. Ideally you would skim through the most useful words, ie short words and bonuses… Read More
Scrabble tiles, WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS

Tips from the Champions – Barry Grossman

Barry Grossman, author of Play like a Scrabble Champion, tells us his top tips. 1. There are several places on the board to play a 5-letter word where you can double the score of the first or last letter, and also double the whole word. So learning some… Read More
GRR Scrabble tiles on green background

New Three-Letter Scrabble Words

Get to grips with some of the new three-letter words in the Collins Official Scrabble Wordlist, out now. GRR an interjection used to express anger or annoyance (4 points) RYU (Japanese) a school of martial arts (6 points)… Read More
A bowl holding red chilli peppers

Language be the Food of Love

New scrabblicious words that can really give your game some bite… AFFOGATO (Italian) a dessert made by pouring espresso coffee over ice cream ROASTIES roast potatoes GUMMI a rubbery, flavoured candy… Read More
2 pairs of handings, one wearing red boxing gloves, the other blue boxing gloves

Author vs. Author

They can write but can they Scrabble? On Tuesday 26th at 4PM, we’re combining your love of words and books. Women’s Fiction writers Fanny Blake and Judy Astley will go head to head in a much-anticipated game of Scrabble. Both of their books have storylines littered… Read More