This week we are looking at two words which are sometimes confused: ashamed and embarrassed.

If you are ashamed, you feel sorry about something you did wrong.
He upset Dad, and he feels a bit ashamed.
They were ashamed to admit that they had lied.
You say that someone is ashamed of something, or ashamed of themselves.
Jen feels ashamed of the lies she told.
I was ashamed of myself for getting so angry.

If you are embarrassed, you are worried that people will laugh at you or think you are foolish.
He looked a bit embarrassed when he noticed his mistake.
She had been too embarrassed to ask her friends.
You say that someone is embarrassed by something or embarrassed about it.
He seemed embarrassed by the question.
I felt really embarrassed about singing in public.
You do not use ‘of’ in sentences like these. For example, don’t say ‘He seemed embarrassed of the question.’
Find out more in our English Usage article.
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