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Guide to Collins English Dictionary abbreviations

adj adjective
adv adverb(ial)
anthropol anthropology
archaeol archaeology
architect architecture
Austral Australian
bacteriol bacteriology
biochem biochemistry
Brit Britain; British
C century (eg C14 = 14th century)
°C degrees Celsius
chem chemistry
conj conjunction
crystallog crystallography
E east(ern)
eg for example
embryol embryology
entomol entomology
esp especially
est estimate
fem feminine
foll followed
ft foot or feet
ichthyol ichthyology
ie that is
immunol immunology
in inch(es)
interj interjection
intr intransitive
km kilometre(s)
m metre(s)
maths mathematics
med medicine
meteorol meteorology
myth mythology
n noun
N north(ern)
NE northeast(em)
no number
NW northwest(ern)
NZ New Zealand
ophthalmol ophthalmology
ornithol ornithology
palaeontol palaeontology
pathol pathology
pharmacol pharmacology
photog photography
physiol physiology
pl plural
pop population
prep preposition(al)
pron pronoun
psychol psychology
pt point
RC Roman Catholic
S south(ern)
Scot Scottish; Scots
SE southeast(ern)
sing singular
sociol sociology
sq square
SW southwest(ern)
telecomm telecommunications
theol theology
tr transitive
US United States
vb verb
vet veterinary
w west(ern)
wt weight