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IPA Pronunciation Guide – German

Phonetic Symbols/Zeichen der Lautschrift


matt [a]
Fahne [aː]
Vater [ɐ]
[ɑː] calm, part
[æ] sat
Chanson [ã]
Chance [ɑ̃]
[ɑ̃ː] double entendre
Etage [e] egg
Seele, Mehl [eː]
Wäsche, Bett [ε]
zählen [εː]
Teint [ε̃ː]
mache [ə] above
[3ː] burn, earn
Kiste [ɪ] pit, awfully
Vitamin [i]
Ziel [iː] peat
Oase [o]
oben [oː]
Fondue [õ]
Chanson [õː]
Most [ɔ]
[ɒ] cot
[ɔː] born, jaw
ökonomisch [ø]
blöd [øː]
Götter [œ]
Parfum [œ̃ː]
[ʌ] hut
zuletzt [u]
Mut [uː] pool
Mutter [ʊ] put
Tyrann [y]
Kübel [yː]
Sünde [Y]


Ball [b] ball
mich [ç]
[tʃ] [child
fern [f] field
gern [ɡ] good
Hand [h] hand
ja, Million [j] yet, million
[ʤ] just
Kind [k] kind, catch
links, Pult [l] left, little
matt [m] mat
Nest [n] nest
lang [ŋ] long
Paar [p] put
rennen [r] run
fast, fassen [s] sit
Chef, Stein, Schlag [ʃ] shall
Tafel [t] tab
[θ] thing
[ð] this
wer [v] very
[w] wet
Loch [x] loch
x [ks] box
singen [z] pods, zip
Zahn [ts]
genieren [ʒ] measure

Other signs/Andere Zeichen

| glottal stop/Knacklaut
[ʳ] [r] pronounced before a vowel/vor Vokal ausgesprochenes [r]
[‘] main stress/Hauptton
[ˌ] secondary stress/Nebenton


weit [ai]
[aɪ] buy, die, my
Haus [au]
[aʊ] house, now
[eɪ] pay, mate
[εə] pair, mare
[əʊ] no,  boat
[ɪə] mere, shear
Heu, Hser [ɔy]
[ɔɪ] boy, coin
[ʊə] tour, poor

NB: Vowels and consonants which are frequently elided (not spoken) are given in italics:

Vokale und Konsonanten, die häufig elidiert (nicht ausge- sprochen) werden, sind kursiv dargestellt:

convention [kən’venʃən]

attempt [ə’tempt]