The word ‘hot‘ is frequently used in English, yet there are many other different words you can use instead to be more specific and make your writing more interesting.
Many synonyms for ‘hot’ are used to show that something is of a very high temperature, for example:
It was a baking July day.
Her birthday, for once, was a blistering summer day.
When everyone else is boiling, I’m freezing!
People will cross burning deserts to get there.
The marathon took place in scorching weather.
It began one sultry August evening.
The roads were remarkably quiet despite the sweltering weather.
The temperature soared to a tropical heat.
Other synonyms of ‘hot’ describe things that are quite hot, like these below:
The coffee was only lukewarm.
She put her mouth to the tap and drank the tepid water.
It was warm in the house and David only wore shorts.
There are some synonyms that are used mainly for very hot liquids, such as:
piping hot
There’s nothing better than curling up with a bowl of piping hot soup.
I tried to sip the tea but it was scalding.
She brought in two steaming mugs of coffee and handed him one.
Finally, you can use synonyms of ‘hot’ to talk about food with a strong flavour:
He said it was ‘a fiery combination of chicken, chillies and rice’.
She served it with peppery radishes.
The mustard gives a piquant edge to the dressing.
He made a spicy tomato sauce.
Look at the Thesaurus entry for hot to find other synonyms and examples.
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