German’s capital city Berlin is a centre of fashion and hosts its famous Berlin Fashion Week every year. Other well-known shopping cities are Munich, Cologne and Hamburg. For those who want to splash their cash and pick up some souvenirs or simply shop for groceries, this blog will give you all the important phrases and words to use for any shopping trip.
When shopping in Germany, you may be asked Bekommen Sie schon? or Werden Sie schon bedient?, which means Are you being attended to? If you’re just browsing, you can say ich schaue mich nur um or ich schaue nur (I’m just having a look), or, if somebody else is already serving you, say ich bekomme schon, danke, or simply ja, danke (I’m already being served, thanks).
Asking for something:
There are several key “starter phrases” that you can use if you’d like to ask for something when in a shop in Germany. These are ich möchte or ich hätte gern… (I would like…), Könnte ich…? (could I…?), Kann ich…? (can/may I…?), ich suche… (I’m looking for…), ich brauche (I need...) and ich nehme… (I’ll take…).
Kann ich mal anprobieren?
Can I try this/it etc on?
Ich brauche Größe 40. (Größe can be used for a shoe size, clothes size etc)
I need a size 40
Ich hätte gern ein Kilo Kartoffeln, bitte.
Could I have a kilo of potatoes, please?
Ich suche ein Geburtstagsgeschenk für eine Freundin.
I’m looking for a birthday present for a friend.
Ich nehme die Jeans nicht, die sind/ist zu klein/groß/teuer.
I won’t take the jeans, they’re too small/big/expensive.
Talking about your plans:
If you’re planning a shopping trip with some German-speaking friends, you may want to talk about what you’re thinking of buying or where you’d like to go. You can use any of these key phrases: ich habe Lust… (I feel like…), ich hoffe, dass…(I hope to/that…), and ich habe vor…(I’m planning to…).
Ich habe Lust, morgen zum Markt zu gehen.
I feel like going to the market tomorrow.
Ich hoffe, dass ich weniger als 100 Euro ausgeben muss.
I hope to spend less than 100 euros.
Ich habe vor, mir eine neue Jacke zu kaufen, or simply Ich kaufe mir eine neue Jacke.
I’m planning to/I’m going to buy a new jacket.
Expressing your opinion:
Whilst browsing, you may want to speak to your German-speaking friend or to the shop assistant about what you like and don’t like. Some handy opinion phrases are ich glaube/denke …. (I think…), für mich… (in my opinion/for me…) or ich finde… (I think/find…)
Ich denke, dass der Laden einfach zu teuer ist.
I think this shop is just too expensive.
Ich finde den blauen Schal ganz hübsch.
I think the blue scarf is really nice.
Für mich ist/riecht das Parfum viel zu stark.
For me, this perfume is much too strong.
Don’t forget to come back for the next blog post to help you continue with the conversation!
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