When you want to wish someone all the best, you’ll need to know what to say and when in your conversations with German-speaking friends. This blogpost covers some of the phrases that might come in handy when wishing others well.

Some German phrases aimed at wishing others a good time use the adjective schön (beautiful/good/nice/great) followed by a noun:
Schönen Tag/Abend !
Have a nice day/evening!
Schönes Wochenende!
Have a nice weekend!
Schöne Ferien/Schönen Urlaub!
Have a lovely holiday!
Schönen Aufenthalt!
Enjoy your stay!
When you greet someone, you’d use the adjective gut (good) instead.
Guten Morgen/Tag! Good Morning/Hello!
Similarly, when you refer to an event or experience, you would be more likely to use gut, for example:
Guten Appetit!
Enjoy your meal!
Gute Reise!
Have a good trip!
If you want to tell someone to enjoy something, you could use the noun Spaß (fun) or the verb genießen (to enjoy), for example:
Viel Spaß!
Have fun/Enjoy yourself/yourselves!
Genieß es/Genießen Sie es!
Enjoy it!
And if someone is unwell, you can of course wish them Gute Besserung! Get Well Soon! Hopefully you won’t need to use that one too often though.
Don’t forget to come back for the next blog post to help you continue with the conversation!
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