There will likely be times when you need to send an email or letter in Italian, whether it’s contacting the hotel you are staying at, drafting an email to a work colleague, or sending a letter to a friend. This blog gives you some useful phrases to use to do this.

Before writing an email or letter, it’s important to know the different courtesy titles in Italian, and how they are abbreviated:
Sig./Sig.ra (Signore/Signora) = Sir/Madam or Mr/Mrs or Ms (Signorina) = Miss
Spett./Spett.le (Spettabile) = esteemed
Dott./Dott.ssa (Dottore/Dottoressa) = in Italy this is used for anyone who has a university degree
Prof./Prof.ssa (Professore/Professoressa) = Professor
Starting an email or letter:
(informal) Cara Alessia,… Dear Alessia,…
(informal) Carissimi Francesca e Bruno,… Dear Francesca and Bruno,…
(formal) Caro Dott. Ricci,… Dear Dr. Ricci,…
(formal) Gent. Sig.ra Rossi…, Dear Mrs/Ms Rossi,…
(formal) Egregio Prof. Gambini,… Dear Prof. Gambini,…
Some useful phrases may include:
(informal) Volevo solo ricordarti che domani…
I just wanted to remind you that tomorrow…
(formal) La ringrazio per la pronta risposta e le sue chiarissime informazioni…
Thank you for your quick response and clear information.
(formal) Accludo il mio CV e in attesa di un cordiale riscontro Le porgo distinti saluti.
I have attached my CV and I send my warmest regards in the meantime.
Ending a personal email or letter:
(informal) Tanti cari saluti,… Yours,…
(informal) Con affetto, Maria. Love, Maria.
(informal) Un abbraccio, Luca. Love, Luca.
(formal) Distinti saluti, Yours faithfully/sincerely,
(formal) Cordiali saluti, Yours faithfully/sincerely,
(formal) Le porgo i miei piu distinti saluti, Yours faithfully/sincerely,
The start of a letter written in Italian should generally follow this layout:

Don’t forget to come back for the next blog post to help you continue with the conversation!