Spanish word of the week: cuento

This week’s Spanish word of the week is cuento.

Cuento is a noun that means story. To hear how cuento is pronounced, you can click the icon below: 

El cuento, meaning a story, has an ‘-o’ in it, like ‘story’, and is masculine. 

La abuela nos contaba cuentos. Grandma used to tell us stories.

Más que novela es un cuento. It’s more a short story than a novel.

un cuento de hadas a fairy tale

If you remember that, you won’t muddle it up with la cuenta, the bill.

¿Nos trae la cuenta, por favor? can we have the bill, please?

From the idea of ‘storycuento takes on the meaning of something completely made up: in other words, a lie.
No le creas, es puro cuento. Don’t believe him, it’s all lies.

Come back next week to learn a new word!

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