Spanish word of the week: oscuro

This week’s Spanish word of the week is oscuro

Oscuro is an adjective that means dark and you can find how to pronounce it here: 

function playAudio(url) { new Audio(url).play(); }

Oscuro is the opposite of claro in many contexts, and it can refer to the absence of light, either literally:

una habitación muy oscura a very dark room

or in a figurative sense:

la noche oscura del alma the dark night of the soul

Oscuro also refers to dark colors:

un traje gris o azul oscuro a dark grey or dark blue suit

Tiene el pelo castaño oscuro y grandes ojos oscuros. He has dark brown hair and big dark eyes.

The mysterious dark matter that astronomers believe makes up most of the mass in the universe is materia oscura in Spanish.

Come back next week to learn a Spanish new word!

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