Spanish word of the week: tras

This week’s Spanish word of the week is tras.

Tras is a preposition that means after or behindYou can listen to the pronunciation of tras in the audio clip below:

Tras is an alternative way of saying  después de (after) or detrás de (behind) and tends to be used in writing more than in speech:

Alcanzaron el acuerdo tras muchos meses de conversaciones.The agreement was reached after many months of talks.

Tras unos días de vacaciones volvió a su trabajo. After a few days’ vacation she went back to work.

Estaba oculto tras las rocas. It was hidden behind the rocks.

To emphasize something being done repeatedly, you put tras between two periods of time:

día tras día day after day

Viene ganando año tras año. Year after year he’s won.

We hope to see you again the week for another word!

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