What’s the difference between indoors and indoor?

This week we are looking at two words which may be confused by learners of English: indoors and indoor. indoors function playAudio(url) { new Audio(url).play(); } Indoors is an adverb. If you go indoors, you go into a building. It started to rain, so… Read More

The holly and the ivy: wonderful words for Christmas plants

Which plants I wonder, gentle reader, do you associate with Christmas? I strongly suspect several of this week’s Collins Word of the Day will spring to mind. IYAM, certain plants just shout ‘Christmas’, don’t they? Well, perhaps some are a bit shoutier than others. The traditional holly, ivy, mistletoe and… Read More

Learning German: Wishing others well 

When you want to wish someone all the best, you’ll need to know what to say and when in your conversations with German-speaking friends. This blogpost covers some of the phrases that might come in handy when wishing others well.  Some German phrases aimed at wishing others a good… Read More

EXTERMINATE! 7 timey-wimey words for Whovians old and new

Whovians… assemble! It’s a landmark year for fans of the British science fiction show Doctor Who, as the BBC celebrates Doctor Who’s 60th anniversary with some very special episodes. The 60th anniversary celebration has involved three new episodes featuring the much-loved Tenth Doctor, played by David Tennant, and his companion… Read More

What’s the difference between outdoors and outdoor?

This week we are looking at two words which may be confused by learners of English: outdoors and outdoor. outdoors Outdoors is an adverb. If something happens outdoors, it does not happen inside a building. He spent a lot of his time outdoors. School classes… Read More