
Paris 2024™

Between 26 July and 11 August sports fans the world over will be abuzz as France hosts what is officially the twenty-third Olympiad™ – in Paris, in sixteen other sites across France and on French Tahiti, where the windsurfing competition will take place. In French, the games are… Read More

Welcome to the ton: 7 new Bridgerton words

Dear reader, we are honoured to welcome you back to the ton! Last time we spoke, we gave you 9 words to sweep you into the world of Bridgerton, and now, with season 3 streaming on Netflix, we thought it was high time to return to everyone’s favourite Regency-era… Read More

The future of work: 9 words to add to your professional vocabulary

When you picture the future of work, what do you see? Commutes made shorter by flying cars? Artificial intelligence making your day-to-day job a breeze? We may not yet have cracked some of the more futuristic ideas seen on the silver screen, but in a post-pandemic world, we’ve seen some… Read More