Texting in French

Texting your French contacts regularly is a great way to learn the language while making friends and building your social network.

Textos V3


The purpose of text messages – called textos in French – is to communicate in writing via your mobile phone while using as few characters as possible. Textos rely very much on abbreviations, acronyms and symbols.

To make your textos make sense, and to understand those you get, it’s important to know what the actual words are and sound like. In addition to expanding your social network, texting is also going to sharpen your ear for French pronunciation.


Let’s say a friend is coming for dinner and he texts you this message: GHT2V. It may look like he’s sending you his car registration number, but once you sound it out you’ll know he’s bringing the wine – G (J’ai) HT (acheté) 2 (du) V (vin). You can text back M for merci.

6né FDS?

Another friend might text this: 6né FDS? Nothing to do with sextuplets being born – she just wants to know if you’d like to go to the cinéma (6né) this fin de semaine (FDS). You could text back b1sur (bien sûr) or NSP (ne sais pas) if you’re not sure of your schedule.

To help you get the hang of texting in French, here are some useful abbreviations:

bjr = bonjour (hello)
bsr = bonsoir (goodnight)
auj = aujourd’hui (today)
ir = hier (yesterday)
bi1to = bientôt (soon)
tds = tout de suite (right away)
vazi = vas-y (go ahead)
DQP = dès que possible (as soon as possible)
tjs = toujours (always)
@+ = à plus tard (see you later)
@2m1 = à demain (see you tomorrow)
a tt = à tout à l’heure (see you soon)
kan = quand (when)
ALP = à la prochaine (until next time)
JMS = jamais (never)
slt = salut (hi, bye)
biz = bisous (kisses)
M = merci (thanks)
2 ri 1 = de rien (You’re welcome)
STP/SVP = s’il te/vous plait (please)
pk = pourquoi (why)
ki = qui (who)
p-ê = peut-être (maybe)
d’ac, dak = d’accord (agreed)
cb1 = c’est bien (good)
XLent = excellent
ama = à mon avis (in my opinion)
BCP = beaucoup (a lot)
NRV = énervé (worried, nervous)
HT = acheter (buy)
TLM = tout le monde (everyone)
ENTK = en tout cas (in any case)
EDR = écroulé de rire (laughing out loud)
GspR b1 = J’espère bien (I hope so)
Chui = Je suis (I am)
Je c = Je sais (I know)
C1Blag = C’est une blague (It’s a joke)
TOQP = T’es occupé ? (Are you busy?)
QDN, Koi29 = Quoi de neuf? (What’s new?)
Tata KS = T’as ta caisse ? (You have your car?)
C pa 5pa = C’est pas sympa (That’s not nice)
G1id2kdo = J’ai une idée de cadeau (I have a great idea)

Remember, if in doubt, read it out loud. More than once if necessary,

And if you really don’t get it, CPG (C’est pas grave). Just text back ???. Everybody knows what that means.

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