Spanish word of the week: acuerdo

This week’s Spanish word of the week is acuerdo.

Acuerdo is a masculine noun that means agreement or deal. You can listen to the pronunciation of acuerdo in the audio clip below:

Hay pocas esperanzas de llegar a un acuerdo. There is little hope of reaching an agreement.

Este acuerdo beneficiará al país. This deal will benefit the country.

It’s useful to be able to say if you agree or disagree with what people are saying or suggesting. Estar de acuerdo is one of the key phrases here. First of all, the basics:

Estoy de acuerdo. I agree.

No estoy de acuerdo. I don’t agree or I disagree.

¿Estás de acuerdo? Do you agree?

To say that you agree or disagree with someone or something, use con:

Estoy de acuerdo con la propuesta. I agree with the proposal.

No estábamos de acuerdo contigo. We didn’t agree with you.

Come back next week for another insight into Spanish vocabulary!

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