This week’s Spanish word of the week is callarse.
Callarse is a verb that means to stop talking or to keep quiet. You can listen to the pronunciation of callarse in the audio clip below:
function playAudio(url) { new Audio(url).play(); }
Callarse is the reflexive form of the verb callar. The basic idea behind callarse is that of ‘not talking’:
Cuando entró la profesora, todos nos callamos. When the teacher came in we all stopped talking.
Me callé lo que ya sabía. I kept quiet about what I already knew.
Lo mejor que podemos hacer es callarnos. The best thing we can do is keep quiet.
You can use it to tell people to be quiet:
¡Cállense, por favor! Please be quiet!
But callarse la boca is rather informal:
¡Cállate la boca! Shut up!
Come back next week for another insight into Spanish vocabulary!