Spanish word of the week: cambio

This week’s Spanish word of the week is  cambio.

Cambio  is a noun that means  change and exchange or bureau de change.

To hear how cambio is pronounced, you can click the audio icon below: 

Cambio is a common word with several meanings. In one meaning, it’s change in general:

un brusco de temperatura a sudden change in temperature

el cambio climático climate change

Necesito un cambio de aires. I need a change of scene. 

You can also use cambio in the same way that you use change in English to refer to money:

¿Tiene cambio de 50 euros? do you have change for 50 euros?

Comprueba el cambio antes de salir de la tienda. Check your change before leaving the shop.

If you’ve been to Spanish-speaking countries you’ll have seen the cambio sign, indicating a bureau de change. The word also refers to the exchange rate:

¿A cuánto está el cambio hoy? What’s the exchange rate today?

Come back next week to read about our next Spanish word of the week!

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