Spanish word of the week: disgustado.

This week’s Spanish word of the week is disgustado.

Disgustado is an adjective that means upset. You can listen to the pronunciation of disgustado in the audio clip below:

The ‘false friend’ that we will be looking at today is disgustado. 

Estoy disgustado means I’m upset.

Está disgustado porque no aprobó el examenHe’s upset because he failed the exam.

Estaba muy disgustada con el asunto. She was very upset about the matter.

Be careful not to use disgusted as a translation for disgustado.  If you really want to say I’m disgusted, you should use the phrase estoy indignado:

Estaba indignado con su comportamiento.  I was disgusted at his behavior.

Come back next week for another insight into Spanish vocabulary!

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