Spanish word of the week: encantar

This week’s Spanish word of the week is encantar

Encantar is a verb that means to love . To hear how encantar is pronounced, you can click the icon below.

function playAudio(url) { new Audio(url).play(); }

To say what you like, you can use gustar. But if you want to say that you really love something, you use encantar. It works in the same way as gustar. If the thing you love is singular, or is a verb, you use a singular form of encantar:

Me encanta la música. I love music.

Les encantaba esquiar. They loved skiing.

And if what you love is plural, so is the verb:

Me encantan los animales. I love animals.

Le encantaban los dulces. He loved sweet things.

As with all verbs of liking and loving, encantar is followed by the subjunctive when you talk about what you love somebody else doing:

Me encantó que no lo supiera. I loved the fact that he didn’t know.

Nos encantaría que viniera usted con su marido. We’d love for you and your husband to come.

Come back next week to learn a new word and expand your Spanish vocabulary!

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