Spanish word of the week: habitación

This week’s Spanish word of the week is habitación.

Habitación is a feminine noun that means room; bedroom. You can listen to the pronunciation of habitación in the audio clip below:

When you’re staying in a hotel in a Spanish-speaking country, habitación is a word you’ll need.

una habitación individual a single room

una habitación doble a double room

Su habitación es la 120, en el segundo piso. Your room is number 120, on the second floor.

Los observaba desde la terraza de la habitación del hotel. She watched them from the terrace of her hotel room.

In private houses, habitación can refer to rooms in general:

una casa de tres habitaciones, cocina y baño a house with three rooms, kitchen and bathroom

or to a bedroom:

Esta es mi habitación. This is my bedroom.

Arriba están las habitaciones. The bedrooms are upstairs.

Another common word for bedroom is el dormitorio, and in Mexico la recámara.

Come back next week for another insight into Spanish vocabulary!

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