Spanish word of the week: hueso

This week’s Spanish word of the week is hueso. 

Hueso is a noun that means bone; stone and you can find out how to pronounce it here: 

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Like so many words in English and Spanish hueso has two different but conceptually related meanings. It can refer to the bones of a person or animal, or to the stones of fruit and olives.

un corte de carne con hueso a cut of meat on the bone
Encontraron una fractura en el hueso. They found a bone fracture.

aceitunas sin hueso pitted olives

When you get soaked in a downpour, you are calado hasta los huesos soaked to the skin, literally soaked to the bones.

Remember that hueso does not refer to fish bones. The word for these is espinas:

Con las espinas puedes hacer fondos de pescado. With the bones you can make a fish stock.

Come back next week for a new word, and expand your Spanish vocabulary!

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