Spanish word of the week: intención

This week’s Spanish word of the week is intención.

Intención is a feminine noun that means intention. You can listen to the pronunciation of intención in the audio clip below:

function playAudio(url) { new Audio(url).play(); }

Intención in its most general sense means intention:

Alex no lo dijo con la intención de ofenderlos. Alex didn’t say it with the intention of offending them.

Es un libro repleto de buenas intenciones. It’s a book full of good intentions.

It’s widely used in the phrase tener intención de hacer algo, meaning to intend to do something or to mean to do something:

Después de su gira tenía intención de descansar. After her tour she intended to rest.

No tenía intención de ofenderte. I didn’t mean to offend you.

The phrase segunda intención means ulterior motive, as in:

No lo dijo con segundas intenciones. There was no ulterior motive in what he said.

Come back next week for another insight into Spanish vocabulary!

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