Spanish word of the week: pan

el pan NOUN bread; loaf

pan integral wholeweat bread
Compré dos panes. I bought two loaves.

What do you think of when you think of bread?
To many Spanish speakers, regular pan is a crusty loaf of what English speakers would call French bread.
A chunk of crusty bread is often eaten with a meal and una barra de pan (a French loaf) is used to make un bocadillo (a sandwich made with French bread).
The Spanish words for sliced bread are pan de molde, and this kind of bread would be used to make un sándwich (also a sandwich, but one made with sliced bread).

There’s a Spanish expression llamar al pan pan y al vino vino, which corresponds to to call a spade a spade (word for word: to call bread bread and wine wine).

Come back next week to learn a new word!

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