Spanish word of the week: precioso

This week’s Spanish word of the week is precioso.

Precioso is an adjective that means beautiful, lovely.

You can listen to the pronunciation of precioso in the audio clip below:

Precioso has one meaning which is the same as precious in English:

Estamos perdiendo un tiempo precioso. We’re wasting precious time

However, it’s much more often used in its other meaning of beautiful or lovely:

Llevaba puesto un precioso vestido de noche. She had on a beautiful evening dress.

el campo está precioso the countryside looks beautiful

Tenía una sonrisa preciosa. He had a lovely smile.

un día precioso para dar un paseo a lovely day for a walk

In the meaning of precious it’s mainly used to refer to piedras preciosas, precious stones:

un broche con incrustaciones de piedras preciosas a brooch incrusted with precious stones

We hope to see you again the week for another word!

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