Spanish word of the week: prisa

This week’s Spanish word of the week is  prisa.

Prisa is a feminine noun that means rush or hurry.

To hear how prisa is pronounced, you can click the icon below:  

¿Por qué tanta prisa? What’s all the rush about?

Prisa is often used with the verb tener:

Tenemos prisa. We are in a hurry.
No tengo mucha prisa. I’m in no great hurry.

So it’s used in the same structure as phrases you probably already know, such as tener sed, to be thirsty and tener hambre, to be hungry.

In another very common expression prisa goes with the verb dar used reflexively:

darse prisa to hurry up
¡Date prisa, que vas a perder el tren! Hurry up or you’ll miss the train!

Come back next week to read about our next Spanish word of the week!

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