Spanish word of the week: claro

This week’s Spanish word of the week is claro.

Claro is an adverb that means sure; of course and you can find out how to pronounce it here:

function playAudio(url) { new Audio(url).play(); }

Claro is a word you’ll hear very, very often in conversation. The more you use it appropriately when speaking, the more natural your Spanish will sound.

In one meaning it’s just a way of saying sure when somebody asks you something:

¿Te gusta el ballet? – ¡Claro! Do you like ballet? – Sure!

¿Puedo usar tu bici mañana? – ¡Claro! Can I use your bike tomorrow? – Sure!

The other main meaning of claro is of course:

Claro que me interesa, si no no estaría aquí. Of course I’m interested, I wouldn’t be here otherwise.

You often use claro when you suddenly realize something:

¡Claro! Por eso estaba tan raro ayer. Of course! that’s why he was acting so strange yesterday.

¡Claro que sí! means Yes, of course and ¡Claro que no! means Of course not, or Not at all.

¿Me permites? – ¡Claro que sí! May I? – Of course!

¿Le molesta? – ¡Claro que no! Is it bothering you. – Not at all.

In face-to face-conversation, or on the phone, Spanish speakers tend to say ¡Claro! a lot. It’s a way of letting the other person know they’re listening and that they agree. Why don’t you try it next time you have a conversation?

Come back next week for another insight into Spanish vocabulary!

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