Spanish word of the week: sombra

This week’s Spanish word of the week is sombra.

Sombra  is a noun that means shadow; shade and you can find out how to pronounce it here: 

Sombra covers two separate meanings in English. It can refer both to a shadow and to being in the shade.

Lo único que veía era mi sombra. All I could see was my shadow.

Les da sombra a las vacas. It provides shade for the cows.

When it means shade it’s often used in the phrase a la sombra:

Hacía 30 grados a la sombra. It was 30 degrees in the shade.

Prefiero sentarme a la sombra, para que el sol no me dé en la cara. I prefer sitting in the shade so that the sun doesn’t shine in my face.

In its other meaning of shadow, sombra is often used metaphorically:

la alargada sombra de la Mafia the long shadow of the Mafia

Solo Picasso fue capaz de hacerle sombra. Only Picasso was capable of overshadowing him.

Come back next week to learn a new word and expand your Spanish vocabulary!

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