Spanish word of the week: suceso

This week’s Spanish word of the week is suceso.

Suceso is a noun that means  event or incident. You can listen to the pronunciation of suceso in the audio clip below:

Today will be looking at the ‘false friend’ suceso. Be careful not to use the word success as a translation. Suceso translates into English as either event or incident:

los sucesos más importantes de la última década the major events of the last decade

dar amplia difusión a un suceso to give full coverage to an event 

El suceso ocurrió alrededor las tres de la tarde. The incident happened at around three in the afternoon.

Llamaron a la policía para que acudiera al lugar del suceso. The police were called to the scene of the incident.

To say success in Spanish use the noun éxito:

Tuvo gran éxito como escritora. She was a great success as a writer.

We hope to see you again the week for another word!

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