Verb Tables for the 50 Most Common Spanish Verbs now has full verb conjugation tables for over 5,000 Spanish verbs. There are links below to Verb conjugation tables for 50 of the most common Spanish verbs, or you can search all Spanish verb tables here:-

Enter the root form of the verb, for example abrir

The 50 Most Common Spanish Verbs

abrir apagar cantar
cerrar comenzar correr
decir decir deletrear
desear despertar dormir
encender enseñar entender
enviar escribir escribir
esperar estudiar firmar
fumar gastar hablar
hablar intentar jugar
leer llover mirar
nadar necesitar organizar
pagar pensar poner
poner preocupar querer
responder sentarse tener
tomar trabajar traducir
usar utilizar vender
ver viajar

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