Saying please and thank you

When asking for something from someone, use please. Two kilos of oranges, please. Could you give these to Anders, please? Please could I borrow this chair? To say that you would like something that someone has offered you, use Yes, please. ‘Would you like some more coffee?’ ‘Yes, please.’ ‘Can… Read More

Dydd Gŵyl Dewi: wonderful Welsh words

The 1st of March is St David’s Day, named for the patron saint of Wales. David (or Dewi in Welsh) was a 6th-century bishop from South-West Wales who was renowned as a preacher and founder of monasteries in ancient Britain and Brittany. Today, St David’s Day is a celebration of… Read More

Expressing surprise

A simple way to show that you are surprised by what someone has said is to use Really? ‘Zareb is leaving?’ ‘Really? Why?’ ‘I don’t think it’s a very good school.’ ‘Really? I was very impressed by it.’ ‘I’m terrible at maths.’ ‘Really? I can’t believe that!’ A stronger way… Read More