What’s the difference between quiet and quite?

This week we are looking at two words which are sometimes confused by learners of English: quiet and quite. quiet function playAudio(url) { new Audio(url).play(); } Quiet is an adjective. Someone or something that is quiet makes only a small amount of noise. Bal said… Read More

A beginner’s guide to the language of AI

Technology has a way of completely revolutionising the way we live. Cars replaced the good old horse and carriage, washing machines and hoovers saved people hours of housework, and the mobile phone became… well, much more than just a phone. The latest technological advancement dominating the conversation at work, at… Read More

For the bants: 12 British slang words

Alright? Don’t worry, you’re not actually expected to respond to that question. Just like any other language, English has many quirks and a whole range of idioms that can cause confusion when you’re learning the language. But when it comes to British English even native speakers can find themselves scratching… Read More

What’s the difference between industrious and industrial?

This week we are looking at two words which are sometimes confused by learners of English: industrious and industrial. industrious function playAudio(url) { new Audio(url).play(); } An industrious person works very hard. She was industrious and always trying to improve herself. Michael was an intelligent, industrious man. industrial… Read More

National Picnic Week

Who doesn’t love a picnic? Eating is one of life’s great pleasures, second only to being outdoors and in contact with Gaia in all her soothing variety. Add to those two the social element involved and bingo! you’ve got a well-nigh perfect event. Is thinking of… Read More

Dinna fash: 11 essential Scots and Gaelic words for Outlander fans

Dinna fash, sassenach. With those three little words, a thousand Google searches were launched. The sizzling romance between Jamie and Claire from Diana Gabaldon’s bestselling Outlander series have had people glued to their screens for almost 10 years. The hit show has helped fuel an increase in people wanting to… Read More