15 other words for ‘small’

The word ‘small’ is frequently used in English, yet there are many other different words you can use instead to be more specific and make your writing more interesting. Many synonyms for ‘small’ describe how the size of something – try some of… Read More

French word of the week: sous

This series of weekly blogs takes a closer look at words from our French dictionaries. The word we're focusing on this week is the French preposition 'sous'. Read More

15 other words for ‘hot’

The word ‘hot‘ is frequently used in English, yet there are many other different words you can use instead to be more specific and make your writing more interesting. Many synonyms for ‘hot’ are used to show that something is of a very… Read More

St Nicholas and Santa Claus

We might not recognise it, but our modern Christmas celebration owes much to St Nicholas. Not to mention that his feast day on 6 December (or 19 December in the Julian calendar) is celebrated in many parts of Europe, especially with gifts for children. “Saint who?”… Read More

Coffee Talk: the roots of the world’s favourite bean

Java. Bean juice. A cup of joe. Whatever you call it, coffee is arguably one of the most popular drinks worldwide, with a reported two billion cups consumed every day. Today’s coffee is able to trace its origins back to the ancient coffee forests of Ethiopia. Read More

19 other words for ‘bad’

The word ‘bad’ is one that is frequently used in English, and yet there are many other different words you can use instead to be more specific and make your writing more interesting. There are several different meanings of ‘bad’, so decide on the meaning… Read More