15 other words for ‘nice’

The word ‘nice’ is one of the most frequently used words in English, yet there are many other different words you can use instead to be more specific and make your writing more interesting. Why not use these words if you want to talk about the… Read More

7 Extreme Weather Idioms

Around the world people experience many examples of extreme weather, such as tornadoes, blizzards, thunderstorms and heatwaves. These phenomena can be unexpected and unpredictable, so here are seven extreme weather idioms to help you weather even the wildest storm!  1.  Storm in a teacup There… Read More

9 other words for ‘talk’

The word ‘talk’ is frequently used in English, yet there are many other different words you can use instead to be more specific and make your writing more interesting. Many synonyms for ‘talk’ describe how quickly someone talks or how much they say – try some… Read More