Spanish word of the week: fiebre

This week’s Spanish word of the week is fiebre.

Fiebre is a noun that means temperature; fever and you can find out how to pronounce it here:

function playAudio(url) { new Audio(url).play(); }

You’re most likely to come across fiebre referring to someone’s temperature, for which it’s the usual word:

Daniel no tenía fiebre. Daniel didn’t have a temperature.

Le ha bajado la fiebre. Her temperature has come down.

La enfermedad lo mantiene en cama con 40 grados de fiebre. The illness is keeping him in bed with a temperature of 40 degrees

It also has the same meaning – fever – as the English word it resembles:

la fiebre amarilla yellow fever

Los temblores son síntomas de fiebre. Shivering is a symptom of fever.

In this meaning it can also be used metaphorically:

la fiebre del oro gold fever

la fiebre electoral election fever

Come back next week to learn a new word and expand your Spanish vocabulary!

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