Spanish word of the week: disimular

This week’s Spanish word of the week is disimular.

Disimular is a verb that means to hide, to conceal or to pretend. You can listen to the pronunciation of disimular in the audio clip below:

function playAudio(url) { new Audio(url).play(); }

Sometimes you may want to hide your feelings. If so, disimular is the verb you need in Spanish:

Siempre consigue disimular lo que realmente piensa. He always manages to hide or conceal what he’s really thinking.

Apenas podía disimular su satisfacción por el éxito de su equipo. She was barely able to conceal her satisfaction at her team’s success.

If you use disimular without an object, then it means to pretend:

Has sido tú, no disimules. It was you, don’t pretend it wasn’t.

Ahí está Alex: disimula. There’s Alex: pretend you haven’t seen him.

Come back next week for another insight into Spanish vocabulary!

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