Collins 2018 Word of the Year Shortlist

Single-use has been announced as the Collins Word of the Year 2018. Discover the rest of the words in this year’s shortlist.


Adjective: made to be used once only


Noun: a system that will come into effect if no other arrangement is made


Noun: a dance in which people twist their hips in one direction while swinging their arms in the opposite direction with the fists closed


Noun: a person, typically male, middle-aged, and white, with reactionary views, especially one who supports the withdrawal of Britain from the European Union


Verb: to attempt to manipulate (a person) by continually presenting them with false information until they doubt their sanity


Adjective: denoting a cultural movement that seeks to expose and eradicate predatory sexual behaviour, especially in the workplace


Noun: a recreational activity, originating in Sweden, that combines jogging with picking up litter


Abbreviation: video assistant referee



Noun: a person who refrains from using any animal product whatever for food, clothing, or any other purpose


Verb: to cast a white actor in the role of (a character from a minority ethnic group) or to produce (a film or play) using white actors to play characters from a minority ethnic group

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