mark nyman

Scrabble tiles with GAME in centre

Scrabble™ Christmas Anagrams

There’s something about Christmas and tradition that makes me think there’s nothing better than getting everyone round a great family board game after stuffing themselves with turkey and mince pies (I’m more of a jam roly-poly fan!) X boxes, Fifa etc are more set up for the individual and they… Read More
Scrabble tiles: HELLO WORLD

Strange International Scrabble™ Facts

Nigel Richards from New Zealand is renowned as the best Scrabble™ player in the history of the game. He spends his life travelling the world from one event to another – he’s effectively the only Scrabble™ professional, earning enough money from one event to pay his expenses for the next. Read More
Scrabble tiles on cloud background: CHEAT

How to cheat in a game of Scrabble

1) Make sure your opponent is seated with a mirror behind them so you can see all their letters. 2) Take too many letters out of the bag when you’re picking, have a sneaky peak and throw the extra ones you don’t like back in – someone did this in… Read More
Scrabble trainer book and scrabble board

How to Train Like a Champion

As I write this I’m in ‘training’ for Causeway – arguably the most prestigious Scrabble event of the year – even more so than the World Championship as there are far more games. 300 or so gluttons for punishment will be playing a mammoth 45 games over 5 days in… Read More
Scrabble tiles: CHRISTMAS WORDS and a red bow


Hooray, it’s Scrabble™ Week! With the nights drawing in and the Christmas invites going out, it’s the perfect time of year to get together around your favourite board game and let the annual family tournament commence. Here are a dozen delightful Christmassy words you can send your ‘truelove’ (which… Read More
2 men showing their scrabble trophies

What happens at a Scrabble Tournament?

Mark Nyman, author of Scrabble Secrets, heads to Dunmurry to take on the Northern Ireland Scrabble Championship and gives us a snapshot of what it’s like to play tournament Scrabble. After quite an eventful journey to get to Ireland (one missed flight included), I just made it to the… Read More