
Words from Wimbledon

From 11 a.m. this 3 July 2023, the thwack of racquets thrashing tennis balls to oblivion will echo and resound round the eighteen Wimbledon championship grass courts being played on. Aaaah, Wimbledon! Where else is so indissolubly linked with a given sport as this prosperous London suburb? And no other… Read More
Andy Murray holding up Wimbledon trophy

Etymology Corner – ‘Tennis’

It’s that time of year again. Brits are assuming position on Henman Hill, or as it’s more commonly come to be known as, ‘Murray Mound’, with strawberries and cream in one hand and a glass of Pimm’s in the other. To celebrate the return of Wimbledon, we’ve examined the etymology… Read More
A tennis ball hitting off chalk line

Words You Need to Follow Tennis Like a Pro

Most of us know our racquet from our ball, our backhand from our forehand, and perhaps even our aces from our deuces. But what else will you need to know if you’re to follow the tennis and understand who’s the hot dog and who’s just getting a… Read More