
illustration children playing board game

What the Wordle?

Everybody’s favourite social media phenomenon Wordle is still going strong! According to the New York Times, over 300,000 people play every single day… and counting. One of the best things about Wordle is the sheer breadth of its vocabulary. Creator Josh Wardle says that there are approximately 2,500 words… Read More
children playing board game

Adventures in Wordle Land: Wordle #285

I started Wordle #285 with a streak of forty-nine consecutive wins, hoping to notch up a half-century. It proved to be a close-run encounter. I started with my usual opening word, using the two most common vowels, A and E: TARES* For the third time in five days, none… Read More
children playing board game

Adventures in Wordle Land: Wordle #282

Some Wordle puzzles leave you scratching your head to find any word that might fit into a particular pattern of letters. Wordle #282 was just the opposite of this, and provided a situation where I had too many solutions – more than the number of guesses available to me. I… Read More
illustration children playing board game

What to do when you are stuck at Wordle

Wordle #281 was not my finest hour. However, it did raise the interesting question of how to get started again when you come to a grinding halt. I started with my usual opening word, using the two most common vowels, A and E: TARES* None of the letters were… Read More
children playing board game

2 tips on how to choose your Wordle starter word

The Chinese proverb says that a journey of a million miles begins with a single step. Even in a game of Wordle you have to start somewhere, and most people who play the game for a while seem to gravitate towards a favourite opening word. But what sort of word… Read More
illustration children playing board game

11 unusual 5-letter words to kick off your next Wordle game

If you’ve spent any time on social media over the last few weeks, you’ve probably noticed your feeds being slowly taken over by black, yellow and green squares. Wordle is the name of the game, and this simple daily word game has got everybody playing with language. Given words are… Read More