Learning Spanish

SPANISH written on a white background with black spanish text and pictures

Understanding Spanish verb tenses

One of the most challenging parts of learning a foreign language is getting to grips with all the different verb tenses. Verb tenses explain when events happen, whether in the past, present or future. In this short article we will explain and provide some examples of the most common tenses… Read More
picture of open book with ESPANOL written above it, and red text and symbols on yellow background

Verb Tables for the 50 Most Common Spanish Verbs

CollinsDictionary.com now has full verb conjugation tables for over 5,000 Spanish verbs. There are links below to Verb conjugation tables for 50 of the most common Spanish verbs, or you can search all Spanish verb tables here:- Enter the root form of the verb, for example abrir The 50 Most… Read More

Spanish Letter Writing – Por favor, señor cartero

Writing letters in Spanish People often wonder whether, with phones, email, texting and the like, we’ve got out of the habit of letter-writing. The truth is that both in the UK and in Spain, fewer and fewer letters are written by the general public, while the tide of junk mail… Read More
woman texting on a pink phone, sitted at table at a cafe, with a coffee

Texting in Spanish – Txt me l8r / M1ml

Texting in Spanish Texting in Spanish is based on the same premise as texting in English, in that the aim is to convey the desired message as concisely and quickly as possible. To do this – and to achieve the holy grail of using a minimum of characters – both… Read More
hi-tech skyscrapers

Are you in the red? Social Networking in Spanish

Ever fancied trying social networking in Spanish? Recent estimates suggest that 90% of all Spaniards are members of a social network, and numbers are growing across Latin America. Naturally enough, Facebook is the top destination for Spanish-speakers looking to link up with old friends or find… Read More
table with red checked table cloth laden with food

Spanish Expressions – Senses Working Overtime

A trip to Spain invariably sends the senses into overdrive, with so many things to look at and touch, voices to listen to and food to smell and taste – not to mention the range of emotions we’ll feel. It would be a shame to keep our reactions to ourselves,… Read More