Spanish word of the week: compromiso

This week’s Spanish word of the week is compromiso.

Compromiso is a masculine noun that means engagement or commitment. You can listen to the pronunciation of compromiso  in the audio clip below:

function playAudio(url) { new Audio(url).play(); }

This is another Spanish word which isn’t quite what it seems. In some of its main uses it means engagement or commitment rather than ‘compromise’:

Tenían un compromiso previo. They had a prior engagement.

La directora tuvo que cancelar todos sus compromisos. The director had to cancel all her engagements.

una anillo de compromiso an engagement ring

and also:

el compromiso del gobierno con la prevención de la delincuencia the government’s commitment to crime prevention

For other possible translations, see our main Spanish-English dictionary entry. We hope that you come back again to learn about our next Spanish word of the week.

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