Language Learners

Learning Italian: Making a call

Talking on the phone in a foreign language can be intimidating. You’re unable to see the facial expressions and body language of the other person on the phone, which are often useful communicative signs that help language learners to understand the gist of what someone is saying. Also, many countries… Read More

Parts of a sentence

This week's Learning English blog focuses on the different parts of a sentence - learn all about what each part of a sentence does and how they work together. Read More

Question marks

The question mark marks the end of a question. When will we be arriving? Does it really matter? He’s certain to be elected, isn’t he? Question marks are used in direct questions, i.e. when the actual words of a speaker are used. A reported question should end with a full… Read More

French word of the week: ça

This series of weekly blogs takes a closer look at words from our French dictionaries. The word we're focusing on this week is the French pronoun 'ça'. Read More