What’s your word?

Submit your new word here

We’ve all had them: those words and phrases that mean the world to us. They’re passed around our friends, providing meaning, sense and clarity where before there was only confusion. But there was never any way of making these words official, of sharing them with a world that we knew needed them so desperately.
We’ve all seen these words come and go, but what if we could capture them? What if there was a way to record them alongside other words, somewhere authoritative, somewhere prestigious…

Welcome to collinsdictionary.com.
This is where you can submit any word that you think should be in the Collins Dictionary. Your word will then be researched and evaluated by the Collins editors. If it’s accepted, it will be published on collinsdictionary.com within a few weeks, and your name will appear on the definition page. You will be forever recorded as the original spotter of the word.

Over the last few years, technology and cultural trends have driven new word creation at an unprecedented rate. Social media websites like Twitter and Facebook have allowed these words to spread, increasing their use beyond immediate friends. We want to share them even further, by posting our favourites on our Twitter and Facebook pages. The more a word is used, the more likely it is to be included in the dictionary, so let’s see what you can come up with.

This is an exciting time for anyone who wants to participate in the evolution of the English language. Make sure you’re involved!

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