#WorldHelloDay – How to say hello in 15 languages

A little Twitter bird told us that it’s #WorldHelloDay on November 21st! To celebrate, we’ve put together a quick guide to saying hello in 15 languages. How many can you learn?

1. Spanish – ¡Hola!

2. French – Bonjour

3. German – Hallo

4. Italian – Ciao

5. Mandarin Chinese – 你好 (nǐ hǎo)

6. Irish – Dia dhuit

7. Portuguese – Olá

8. Hindi – नमस्ते (namaste)

9. Russian – Здравствуйте (Zdravstvuyte)

10. Japanese – こんにちは (Kon’nichiwa)

11. Greek – Χαίρετε (Chaírete)

12. Danish – Hej

13. Swahili – Hujambo

14. Czech – Ahoj

15. Welsh – Helo

Interested in expanding your vocabulary further? Follow us on @CollinsDict for our weekly #traveltuesday posts or start your language learning journey with our range of dictionaries and phrasebooks.

By Rachel Quin
Collins Dictionary

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