National Grammar Day

Saturday 4 March marks National Grammar Day (henceforth, for brevity, NGD). Time to move into top grammar gear. Are you a tad hazy about the difference between a conjunction and a preposition? And what exactly are parts of… Read More
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St David’s Day/Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Sant

St David and St David’s Day In stark contrast to St George, who was born in modern-day Turkey, died in what is now Israel and never set foot in England, Saint David, or Dewi Sant, the patron saint of Wales, was a Welshman from his tonsure to the calloused soles… Read More

What’s the difference between aloud and loudly?

This week we are looking at two words which are sometimes confused: aloud and loudly. aloud If you read aloud a book or apiece of writing, you say the words while you are reading them. She read aloud to us from the newspaper. If you think… Read More